Herbal Treatment for Curved Penis

Curved penis is a rare disease and in conventional system gels, creams, oral medications, injections and surgery is available for the treatment of curved penis. Herbal remedies help in the treatment of curved penis naturally. Orgy oil is wonderful oil for the treatment of curved pen*s. Orgy oil is a combination of natural herbs that provide essential nutrients to the penis and prevent bending of the shaft of the penis. It increases the strength of the muscles of the penis and prevents bending. Orgy oil is made up of the best natural herbs. All the herbs found in orgy oil are safe and do not produce any side effects. If a man sees any bent in curvature of the penis, he may consult a physician and start using orgy oil. It can be used to do daily massage of the pen*s. Daily massage of the penis by using orgy oil increases the supply of blood to the organ and prevents any bending.

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What are the benefits of orgy oil?

Orgy oil is natural herbal oil that provides strength and nutrition to the penis. Orgy oil is wonderful oil for doing the massage of the pen*s. Orgy oil is very useful for men who suffer from curved dick. It helps to correct the shape of the penis by preventing the formation of scar tissue around the penis. If you suffer from any injury, you may start using orgy oil to prevent the formation of scar around the shaft of the penis.

Orgy is useful for people of all ages. It may used at any age and it is safe. It may be used as a general tonic to enhance the strength of the pen*s.

It makes the muscles strong and prevents painful erections. It increases the size of the penis by supplying proper nutrients to the pen*s. Men who suffer from small sized pen*s can also use this oil to enhance the size.

It helps to prevent painful erections and also helps you to get the proper shape of the pen*s. It reduces the pain during intercourse. It helps to make strong and hard erections that last for a longer period of time.

What is curved penis?

Curved penis means when there is an abnormal bend in the shaft of the pen*s that occurs during an erection. The curved penis may occur due to development of a fibrous scar under the skin of the pen*s. It may occur due to any injury to the penis. It is common in people who undergo surgery for prostate gland. It mostly occurs after 40 years of age. It rarely occurs at a young age.

Causes of curved penis

It may be inherited due to the presence of a certain type of immune cell marker. It is sometimes seen in the newborn babies. It may occur due to an abnormality called as hypospadias. Curved dick does not produce any risk to the life. It can only produce painful erections or pain may also occur during intercourse. Injury may occur during sexual intercourse. It may cause inflammation due to repeated episodes. Many researches have been done to find out the real cause of curved dick. They are not able to find out much. When the fibrous plaques develop on the wall of the pen*s, it causes the bent penis. These plaques are not carcinogenic, but it may produce intense pain during erection or intercourse.

Development of plaques on the penis can also result in erectile dysfunction. Most people believe that surgery is the best option but it is not. It does not show any positive results and is also a costly treatment for curved pen*s. Surgery does not produce any difference in the curved dick but it also produces many side effects.

Symptoms of curved pen*s

There are some typical symptoms of curved pen*s that are present in people suffering from this problem. Some of the common symptoms of curved penis are:

  • There is abnormal hardening of the skin around the penis.
  • When you feel a bend in the penis, you will also observe the presence of scar tissue around the penis.
  • Narrowing of the penis may occur due to development of the scar tissue.
  • Pain is the most common symptom that may occur during intercourse or penis erection.
  • Size of the penis decreases due to bent in the pen*s.

Exams and tests

Your health care provider will do physical examination to diagnose the curved penis. He can feel the hard plaques on the wall of the penis while doing physical examination. Erected pen*s is good to see the changes. He may ask you to get an ultrasound or an X-ray done. If there is slight curve in the penis, there is no need to see a doctor if there is no pain or problem on erection. If curved penis interferes with the sexual performance and causes pain, it is necessary to see a health care professional.

Precautions to prevent curved penis

Curved penis can be prevented by taking proper care. Men who indulge in excessive sexual activity are more to suffer from curved dick. It is important that men should not indulge in excessive sexual activity after the age of 50 years. Risk of curved penis increases with advancing age due to the weakness of the muscles.

A good diet is necessary for proper supply of the nutrients to all parts of the body. Men should eat proper food to avoid any deficiency.

Masturbation should be avoided as it may be one of the important reasons of bent pen*s. Excessive masturbation weakens the muscles and produce improper shape. Injury may occur during masturbation that can also lead to the development of scar tissue.

Men should avoid alcohol drinking and smoking as it disturbs the hormonal balance and can produce changes in the shape and size of the penis.

If it is diagnosed in infant, it should be immediately treated by giving proper care. Massage of the penis by using natural oil can help to prevent development of the curved penis.

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