Adenitis/Tumour Growth

Adenitis is the inflammation of lymph glands. Lymph nodes are found all over the body. Patient suffering from adenitis may experience pain and drainage of fluid from the swelling. There are different types of adenitis depending upon the affected lymph nodes. Generally one or more lymph nodes are affected and it may spread to the neighbouring parts. Bacteria or viral infection is responsible for producing swelling of the lymph nodes. If it is not diagnosed properly or treated early it may result in the growth of tumour. It is very painful and in conventional medicine surgery is recommended. Surgery could be a complicated procedure and may result in many side effects. Many natural remedies for adenitis treatment are available that help to restrict the spread of infection and helps to give relief from pain and swelling. Tumour natural cure gives relief from all signs and symptoms and also prevent recurrences. There are many tumour home remedies that are discussed in this article below which may be used at home to get relief from pain and prevent growth of tumour.

What are the symptoms of adenitis/tumour growth?

  • People with adenitis will complain of tenderness, swelling and hardness of the lymph nodes. There is a formation of hard nodule at the site of inflammation. It seems as if a mass of cells have accumulated and appears like a tumour growth.
  • There is fever, weakness, sore throat and cough due to inflammation of the lymph nodes. Patient may feel chilly and there is pain in the throat while swallowing.
  • There is a history of bacterial or viral infection. Generally people suffering from adenitis or tumour growth often present history of exposure to some bacterial or viral infection in the past.
  • Hard lump is visible in the neck and on examination it feels hard and tender to touch. There may be emission of fluid from the infected area which indicates presence of inflammation.

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Herbal remedies for adenitis/tumour growth

There are large numbers of herbal remedies for tumour natural cure. Herbal remedies help in natural adenitis treatment. Herbs used for adenitis treatment do not produce any side effects and surgery may be avoided by regular intake of herbal remedies. Different herbs provide tumour natural cure without producing any side effects. Some common herbal remedies used for the adenitis treatment are:

Divya Tamra bhasm is a useful herbal remedy for the treatment of adenitis and tumour growth. This natural remedy is prepared by making the bhasm of the herbal remedy. It stops the spread of inflammation and gives quick relief from all other symptoms.

Divya Kanchanar guggulu: It is another herb which is found to be very useful in the treatment of adenitis and tumour growth. This herbal remedy prevents the formation of lumps and is also a good remedy for goitre. It gives relief from pain and swelling of the lymph glands.

Divya Vriddhivaadhika vati: This is also an important herb used to reduce the inflammation of the lymph glands. This herb is found to produce excellent results when taken along with other two herbal remedies mentioned here. You may find all the three remedies one package and gives excellent results when taken regularly for the treatment of tumour growth or adenitis.

Divya Gilloy Sattva is another herb which is used to get relief from pain and swelling of the lymph glands. This herb is used to boost up the immunity and to prevent inflammation of the lymph glands.

These herbal remedies give quick relief from fever, pain and malaise. It boosts up the energy and reduces the inflammation of the lymph glands.

Home remedies for Adenitis/Tumour growth

People suffering from adenitis or tumour growth often suffer from many side effects that are produced from chemical drugs. Conventional remedies give temporary relief but do not cure the problem. Home remedies provide tumour natural cure by restricting the spread of infection. Some important home remedies that are useful for adenitis and tumour growth are:

  • People suffering from adenitis should increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. It is useful in the treatment of adenitis and tumour growth.
  • Vitamin D intake should also be increased to prevent growth of tumours and inflammation of the lymph nodes.
  • Green tea also helps to give relief from pain and swelling of the lymph nodes. Green tea reduces fever and other inflammatory symptoms associated with adenitis.
  • Healthy food and diet is responsible for preventing inflammation. People are suffer from any kind of inflammation should increase uptake of fruits as fruits are rich sources of vitamins and minerals that boost up the immunity and help to fight against the inflammation.
  • Garlic is an herb which has anti-inflammatory properties can be used to reduce the inflammation of any part of the body.
  • Turmeric is another useful home remedy and may be taken regularly as it is useful for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Foods rich in carotene such as carrots are also useful to stop the spread of infection and also prevent pain and swelling of the lymph glands. Carotene rich foods also provide anti-oxidants to reduce free radicals from the blood. Free radicals are harmful substances that are one of the major causes of tumours.
Prevention of adenitis/tumour growth

Exercise is very important to remain healthy. People who live sedentary life are believed to suffer from different health problems. Therefore, regular exercise and yoga is essential to prevent formation of lumps and to boost up the immunity.

Drinking more fluids also help in preventing accumulation of harmful substances in the body. Water acts as a natural blood purifier and it helps in eliminating the harmful waste substances from the body in the form of urine and sweat.

Bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided to boost up immunity and live a healthy life. People who drink alcohol and smoke have low immunity and more prone to suffer from inflammatory diseases such as adenitis.

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